Lipton’s Excerpt in TLS

The Times Literary Supplement has published an excerpt from Norman Mailer’s Lipton’s Journal, edited by Susan, J. Michael Lennon, and Gerald R. Lucas: “Saint and Psychopath.” The entirety of Lipton’s will be published by what…

Children of Major Writers

The following panel discussion took place at the Fourteenth Annual Norman Mailer Conference, held at Monmouth University in Long Branch, New Jersey on September 31, 2016. The panel was organized by Susan Mailer and moderated…

Master Weaver in Action

Bags of ice, bottles of rum and tequila, and cold beer. It was Friday evening in Mexico City and time for the fun to begin. Mom and Salvador went out or entertained every weekend. Sometimes…


A couple of months before dad died, my husband and I went to Provincetown to visit him. The morning we left I went up to his bedroom to say goodbye. He looked at me with…