Review in Hippocampus

Nicole DePolo writes: Mailer is a wonderful writer. Susan Mailer, that is. In her first memoir, In Another Place, Susan shines brightly as she presents vignettes of her own formative moments alongside valuable glimpses into…

Interview on WCLO

Susan Mailer is the author of a new memoir, In Another Place, a book about her intense and complex relationship with her father, her five stepmothers and nine siblings, and the joys and pains of being…

Interview with Susan Mailer

Interviewer: J. Michael Lennon. Originally published online in Hippocampus Magazine, October 2019. Posted here with permission. As a practicing psychoanalyst, you have published professional papers, but this is your first creative work. Why did you…

Master Weaver in Action

Bags of ice, bottles of rum and tequila, and cold beer. It was Friday evening in Mexico City and time for the fun to begin. Mom and Salvador went out or entertained every weekend. Sometimes…


A couple of months before dad died, my husband and I went to Provincetown to visit him. The morning we left I went up to his bedroom to say goodbye. He looked at me with…